Can Dogs Eat Grapes?
Can Dogs Eat Grapes?
Dog owners love sharing delicious morsels of food with their four-legged friends; healthy foods in moderation, of course. Some foods can be completely harmless in moderation, like many types of meats, fruits, and veggies. Some, however, can be unhealthy or downright harmful to pups.
One common question when it comes to food that can be fed to dogs is can dogs eat grapes. Let’s expand on that question so you have a good understanding of it.
Can dogs eat grapes and are they safe for dogs?
Grapes, along with their dried version, raisins, should never be fed to dogs. These are two foods that, while perfectly safe and even for healthy for consumption by humans, are highly toxic to dogs and puppies. Grapes and raisins are capable of causing sudden kidney failure in dogs and can be fatal for your pet.
When you wonder can dogs eat grapes, you might not think that it is unsafe for them for any reason thanks to how good they are for humans, but the reason for their toxicity in dogs is an interesting one.
Why are grapes toxic to dogs?
A substance that resides within grapes and raisins is somehow highly fatal for dogs, although the exact substance is still unknown to researchers. All that is currently known for sure is that grapes are highly likely to cause kidney failure and death in dogs.
Some researchers and vets have theories surrounding the use of pesticides and whether or not they could potentially be playing a role in the toxicity of grapes and products derived from grapes, while others believe a fungus or some other factor might be at play. Unfortunately, this kind of speculation is all we currently have to go on when it comes to how these food items affect canines.
It can also seemingly depend on the dog, as well. Some dogs can eat a grape and be just fine, while others will experience problems all of a sudden after the consumption of grapes or grape-derived products.
My dog ate a grape, what do I do?
Dogs will often get into any food they can get a chance at, so always make sure anything that could potentially harm them is put away in an area where your dog can’t access it. Places like behind a closed pantry door or inside a refrigerator where your pup can’t get in are good choices.
If your dog does happen to get their paws on some grapes, it never hurts to know what to do so you can take action right away. Regardless of whether the grapes end up adversely affecting your dog or not, you will want to make sure you get them checked by a veterinarian since grape poisoning can manifest rather quickly in some dogs, and seemingly not at all in others.
No matter how many they consume, you should try to get your dog or puppy to a vet as soon as you observe them eating grapes or something made with grapes; the end of a PB&J or a stolen raisin cookie for example. Grape toxicity is known to lead to kidney failure in as fast as 72 hours for many dogs, so time is of the essence to make sure your dog survives with kidneys intact.
Always consider grape consumption an emergency situation and seek help quickly, as you probably will have no idea how the grapes will affect your dog in particular. If treated soon enough by a vet, your pet could have the potential grape poisoning reversed.
Since so much is unknown about what affects dogs when it comes to grapes, you might not see any symptoms right away, especially when you consider your dog’s size. Some larger dogs might be able to eat a few grapes with no issues, while smaller pups might experience symptoms after a single grape or raisin is consumed.
Hopefully, as time goes on, vets and researchers will be able to learn more information about what exactly causes the toxicity of grapes in dogs.
What are the symptoms of grape poising in dogs?
Knowing the symptoms of grape poisoning could be a good way of helping both you and the vet get an idea of what is going on with your dog. Here are a few of the signs you might notice if your dog happens to get their paws on some grapes.
- Difficulty with breathing
- More thirsty than usual
- Sudden refusal to eat
- Unusually lethargic or weak
- Tremors or seizures
Any of these signs could be potential indicators of grape toxicity in a dog or puppy, so don’t hesitate to quickly get your pup to the vet ASAP if any of these symptoms are observed.
Keep an eye out
So, while the answer to the “can dogs eat grapes?” question is a resounding no, there are still so many delightful treats you can still share with your dog. If you want your dog to have a delicious fruit, you can always break out a package of apples or bananas to share safely with your furry friend.
Can a single grape kill a dog?
It is very possible that a single grape could be all it takes to cause serious problems or even death for a dog. Some dogs can eat a number of grapes without showing any symptoms, while others might eat a single grape or raisin and experience trouble quickly. Although size of the dog might play a role in its reaction, it’s not known for sure.
The best approach is to simply not allow your dog the chance to find out.
My dog eats grapes all the time, should I be concerned?
A dog eating grapes is always a concern due to the known kidney troubles and fatalities they can cause in dogs. While it is possible they might cause your dog problems, it probably isn’t a bad idea to consider putting the grapes in an area where your dog can’t get them, and not allow your pet to have them anymore, just to be sure.